Kutame Konsult solves compliance, risk and digital transformation challenges for organisations. Learn more

Kutame Konsult is a wholly owned BEE company with an impressive track record of highly skilled professional consultants operating in both the private and public sector.
We specialise in Audits, Digital Transformation and Management Consulting Services.
Do you have any questions about our services? Please contact us. We would love to hear from you.

Specialist Services

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We conduct internationally-accepted Risk-Based Internal Audits and Forensic investigations, with Independent Control Assurance. We will help you comply with all the statutory requirements.

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Crisis Tools

In an uncertain and complex environment, we help you deliver excellence. Can you afford to wait?

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Digital Transformation

We offer internationally-acclaimed software solutions to solve complex document, financial and asset management challenges.

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Additional Services

Need help setting up Audit Committees? Establishing Internal Audit functions or best practices in Risk Management?

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Management Consulting

Our experienced advisors will tackle your financial, supply-chain, asset management challenges and train you to manage the systems flawlessly.

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Move Beyond Compliance to Excellence

Contact a Kutame Konsult Expert today at 087 265 8729